Why aspiring iOS developers shouldn't learn SwiftUI.

Recently I was involved in hiring iOS engineers, so I had a chance to go through many CVs. At some point, I’ve noticed a pattern among junior candidates. Many of them decide to use SwiftUI as their first iOS UI framework....

January 30, 2022 · 3 min

WWDC2021 - the summary

WWDC has come to an end. It was an exciting week full of new stuff to make users happy and our work more productive. It’s time for a small subjective summary....

June 15, 2021 · 3 min

About UI component implementation.

In almost every bigger mobile project at some point there comes the moment when you decide not to repeat boilerplate UI code but extract it into nice and reusable components....

December 28, 2020 · 6 min

Functional UI styling

The problem When working on big applications at some point we need to decide how to handle consistent components styling. The default approach chosen by many is to create subclasses of UIKit components and implement all styling there....

June 13, 2020 · 7 min